SketchUp Layers and Components

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Layers and Components are an important part of SketchUp. It allows you to create larger drawings and sketches much faster. Also this is great for small drawings also that use repeated objects, objects that block views, and more.


In the below tutorials, I explain how to use Layers to hide, show and delete shapes and objects you drew. This helps you to easily manage your drawing viewing area and to work inside of walls and objects.

The video I created I removed after some users corrected my mistakes in the video. I decided it would be best to show you this page / video instead by Google. Does SketchUp Support Layers


Components give you the ability to modify one object and have it update across all the other components out there. This is great if you create one leg for a table, and in the future have to change part of it. Changing part of it will update all the legs of the table, cutting down work to only 1/4 of what it would use to be.

Always Face Camera

One last tutorial we created while working with components were, “Always Face Camera”, allowing an object to always face you no matter what angle you view it at. This is great for 2D items you draw that you want to always be visible such as background scenery of trees.

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