Using Olimex with AVRDUDE in Linux

Using the Olimex AVR-ISP-MK2 with Linux and AVRDUDE can be frustrating the first time as the configuration process requires you to apply patches, update firmware, build a patched version of AVRDUDE, and modify your udev rules.

This post will go through the entire process. I recently had to undergo this process, and some of the information available is now outdated. Hopefully, this article will help you solve some of the problems you faced while attempting to get Olimex to work with AVRDUDE.

Random Numbers in Hugo

Generating Random Numbers, Strings, and more in Hugo

If you’ve ever needed a random number, string, or slice index from your Hugo website, this post has you covered. This article will cover selecting seeds, generating random numbers, and then how to use the random number to create random strings and select random items from slices.

Random numbers in Hugo (at least with the methods outlined in this tutorial) won’t generate a cryptographically secure value. I don’t see much worth generating cryptographically secure values for a static site.

Docker Automatic Start

Automatically Start Docker Container

Docker’s restart policy is the best way to have containers automatically start when you boot your server or computer. That should be the end of this post, but I’ll provide more details, examples, and reasons why you want to avoid other methods.

Docker’s restart policy is a flag you set when you first create a container from an image. The restart policy dictates whether the container should restart when it exits. The behavior is determined by which policy you choose. The container can automatically start again on erroneous exits or with all exit codes. The flag also affects the behavior of what happens if you manually stop a container.

GUI in Go

Writing GUIs in Golang

This post will cover how you can write a user interface in Go. I’ll go over the different methods to code a UI, the available modules, and if you should even use Go for these types of applications.

Go isn’t usually thought of when creating a GUI application, but it is possible and I have written a few GUI applications myself with Go. The reason for it was that with Go I could quickly code all of my business logic and the GUI that was required for the problem was simple.

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Hugo Footnotes and Citations

Adding citations and footnotes to your articles benefits your readers, adds additional credibility to your article, and can help improve your website’s SEO1. With Hugo, it’s really simple to add footnotes to your articles without any additional configuration or code.

Hugo has two main Markdown parsers that it uses. Versions 0.60 and later use Goldmark while previous versions use BlackFriday. Both of these parsers support footnotes without any additional configuration and will add the footnotes to the bottom of the post automatically.