Retext Color Schemes

ReText Change Color Scheme and Customization

Markdown has gained a lot of popularity over the years due to its easy to learn syntax, the increase of static site generators, and the benefit of having a formatted word file that works nicely with version control systems. ReText is one of the top Markdown editors, offering a preview pane of your document, a spell checker, syntax highlighting, Markdown exporting, along with some other features. That’s enough of my rambling, this post is how you can customize the color scheme of ReText to make it easier on the eyes.
MultiSSH MSSH Tool connected to multiple SSH servers.

SSH into Multiple Servers using MultiSSH

When you need to run the same maintenance commands on multiple servers, one option is to use a tool called MultiSSH (sometimes referred to as mssh). MultiSSH is a basic tool that allows you to connect to multiple SSH servers and run the same commands simultaneously on all of the connected servers. MultiSSH also allows you to run commands on a single server, a group of connected servers, or all of the connected servers.
Evolution Backup

Backup Evolution using the Terminal

When you want to backup your Evolution calendar, mail, memos, and address book, you have to open up Evolution, go to the file menu, and then follow a few steps before the backup is saved to your computer. This is generally fine if you backup infrequently and you’re able to remember to backup the application every time you perform a computer backup. For me, I prefer automating as much of the backup process as possible.

Prevent Sending HTTP Referer Headers from Your Website

When a user leaves your website through a link or HTTP redirect, a HTTP header of the current page the user is coming from is attached to the new request. In most cases, this isn’t harmful, but there are situations where the URL should be hidden. In this tutorial, you will learn of a few different methods to obscure or remove the HTTP Referer header from the request. Keep in mind that some of these options may not always work.

Get Hugo to Show Content from Multiple Sections

In this tutorial, you will learn how to grab pages from multiple sections on your Hugo site and display them in a single list. There are many reasons why this may be used. For instance, if you have a section called “tutorial” and another section called “news”, you may want to combine both sections together on your homepage to display all of the recent combined posts. There are a few ways to go about displaying multiple sections in a single list in Hugo, but I will go over the two that I use frequently.