VirtualHost for Local Domains

If you are working on many sites on a localhost, you might want to assign “Fake Domains” to each of those sites. Or if you need to point to a site instead of the file path, this tutorial will help you.

First, you need to have Apache installed, this can be installed using software packages such as XAMPP.

Go to your Apache Configuration File, which is located under C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf

This location will vary on where you installed XAMPP.

Search Files with AstroGrep

Searching through many files to find a specific string, word, or pattern can be time consuming and a pain. But that is in the past. With AstroGrep, a free to use OpenSource program, you can search unlimited files at once to find what you are looking for. It also lets you search by Regular Expressions to find specific patterns, search with case sensitivity on or off, and search by file create date. You even have the ability to change what file names and extensions to look for to even further your search. I personally use this program all the time to find functions in my older code that I need to look at again. It makes it much easier than opening up multiple files and trying to remember specifically what I called it.

Google Chrome Developer Tools

Inspect Element in Google Chrome, possibly known as Developer Tools is an amazing tool that lets you modify CSS and HTML on the fly, and see what it affects. Any web developer, or anyone interested on seeing how the front end of websites are coded should use this tool. Some features Developer Tools provide are CSS Editing, Network Activity Viewing, HTML Editing, Javascript Console, Website Audits and more.

With all of these tools, you won’t have to keep adding debugging code to find out why Javascript isn’t working, or keep messing with CSS to fix an issue, you have a visual view of what everything is doing.

Drawing Springs in SketchUp

Now with a few SketchUp tutorials out, we need to start getting to the more complex stuff, mechanical and hardware designs.

David from GeekThis is going to show you how to draw a spring in SketchUp. And with the skills shown in this video, you will be able to draw a various amount of springs. The one shown in this tutorial is a normal compression spring.

I would also like to note, if you are having trouble getting a perfect circle for your spring, make sure you don’t have many items in your sketch, because SketchUp will try to “lock” onto those other items. I suggest drawing springs in blank documents so you can easily draw the first arc the correct way.

What is a Domain Name

David from Geek This Net explains what a domain name is. It is used more than just pointing to websites. Companies use domain names to point to IP address (same method used for websites), but they are used for software, updates, and much more.

Using domain names is much easier, because you only need to update DNS records, to assign the domain name to a new IP address or location.