Windows API Single Key Hotkeys

I have a love hate relationship with the Windows Documentation and with how MSDN is designed. I could spend hours trying to find the information I need and even then there will be information missing. To give you an idea of what I mean, I wanted to make a shortcut key that only requires a single key instead of having it use Shift, Ctrl, Windows Key or other modifiers. In their documentation they don’t mention anywhere that modifiers are not required.

Chrome Extension - Check If Developer

Creating Chrome Extensions is very enjoyable, up until the point you realize that you kept all of the debugging code enabled for your users to see. Often times, you will write this data to the console, so having it always enabled isn’t such a big deal, but why fill up the console with a ton of gibberish to the average user? The main solution out there is to have a logging function, and when you publish your extension you disable it by making it return false or breaking before any output is displayed.

Custom Style RSS Feed

Give your RSS Feed a new look with CSS. If you have a website that has RSS feeds for comments, posts, updates or anything else you need to have it styled. Leaving your RSS Feed plain will make it blend in with all the other sites and even in some browsers make it difficult for users to read your sites RSS feed. Also giving your RSS feed a style that matches your site will show to your visitors that it’s part of the same company.

Setup PHP Development Web Server Quickly inside of Windows

Since PHP 5.4.0, the developers included one of the most amazing features to ever exist. A built in development web server. In the below steps or if you choose to, in the video, you will learn to setup and run your own development web server using only the PHP client. You don’t have to worry about setting up and configuration Nginx, Apache, IIS or various other server software to quickly test your website before publishing it.

MinGW Fix Permission Denied LD and Error 1

Programming Ansi C in Windows isn’t as straight forward such as doing it in linux. But some people just can’t use Linux on their PC because they require other software they need. The solution? MinGW. It’s packaged with GCC, GDB, and a few other useful programs. Along with MinGW, you can install MSYS which adds commands such as rm, ls and others. The issue though? Whenever you compile your program on windows, you either get an error such as cannot open output file a.