Postbox Custom Topic Color

Postbox is an e-mail client that contains all sorts of methods to organize and view your e-mails. One of the features is assigning messages a Topic, or what most people would call labels or tags. A single message can be assigned to a Topic or multiple topics. You then can view all messages for a specific topic. But the unique feature about Topics is that you can assign a color to the Topic which makes it easy to view messages assigned to a specific topic in the message list.

Clear Linux and MySQL History on Logout

If you run a server, you probably end up having to run commands that require passwords. Some programs handle passwords a lot better than others, such as MySQL. If you don’t specify a password in MySQL but include the -p argument, your password won’t be visible. But if you create a new user or change your password that’s a different story. There are also some programs that may require sensitive information directly from the command line or commands that you want to run once the user exits of the shell.

Website Contact Form without PHP

A few days ago I ran across an interesting question about a person who didn’t want to use PHP or didn’t have access to PHP and still wanted a contact form on their website. First off, if you have PHP and don’t mind using it, I suggest just using PHP for your contact forms. But the method I came up with uses the mailto: URI scheme that almost every computer and phone knows.

Bypass Login to View Content

Every so often I will need to Google a question that will most likely appear inside of forums instead of blog posts. Because of this, I found a really simple way to bypass the “You are Required to Login to View This Post”. If you have never seen this type of page, you’re so lucky. Bypass Forum (and other) Logins to View Content The way this works is really simple. A lot of forum software adds a useragent check to detect spiders and bots (such as Google).

Reset Windows Screenshot Index

If you are unaware, inside of Windows 8 (and possibly older versions) you can use the shortcut key combination of [Windows Key] + [PRNT Screen] to take a screenshot and have it saved inside of your Pictures folder. This is great compared to just using the PRNT Screen key alone since you do not have to paste the image inside a photo editing program and then save it. But this post is about resetting the index of the pictures saved.